Savannah Make-up Assignment

For those of you who missed the trip to Savannah:

Lookup the six artists who are exhibiting at the SCAD museum: John Bisbee, Jacob Lawrence, Jonathan Becker, Manjunath Kamath, Shin il Kim, Sue Williamson.  Choose one artist out of the six whose work most interests you.  Research that specific artist and find another artist from the past who influenced your chosen artist.  Then find two contemporary artists whose work relates to your chosen artist.  Write 2-3 pages (12pt font, double spaced) on the relationship between your four artists.  For example:  I choose Sue Williamson.  I find one dead artist who influenced her work.  I fin two contemporary artists whose work relates to hers, or who are influenced by her.  I write my paper on the relationship between these four artists.  I discuss formal, conceptual, and social, and historical relationships.  I consider the following: how is Williamson similar to these artists?  How is she different?  Where can influences be seen?  What are the main visual and conceptual ideas that tie the work together?  Is the media the same or different? Can a photographer be influenced by a painter, and vice versa?  How does context change how we understand the work?


Color Walk (by artist Munro Galloway)
Take a color walk.  Give yourself at least one hour of uninterrupted time. Do not plan your walk in advance or combine it with other activities (commuting, shopping, etc.). Try not to talk or interact with other people during this time.  You will not need to bring a cell phone, journal, camera, or iPod.  You will not be graded or evaluated on your color walk.

You can begin your color walk anywhere. Let color be your guide.  Allow yourself to become sensitized to the color in your surroundings. As you walk try to construct a color story or a narrative based on the color you observe. What are the colors that you become aware of first? What are the colors that reveal themselves more slowly? What colors do you observe that you did not expect? What color relationships do you notice? Do colors appear to change over time? We will discuss the color walks when you return to class.

Personal Geographies

Welcome CofC students!  This blog will be updated frequently during our Maymester course, and will include artist images, links to websites, and projects pertaining to our class.  Please check it daily.

These works, by Tia Factor, are from a series she created.  In her words:

Places We Call Home
This project was intended as a cathartic experience, an incantation to ease me through the troubling transition of leaving a place I called home for twelve years, the Bay Area.
Conducting informal interviews with friends in Portland, Oregon – my new home – I recorded my interactions with the interviewees, asking them to give me their unedited and emotional impressions of the places they call home. I encouraged the participants to elaborate on specific details of what makes their home a home: the layout, what they fill it with or how they decorate it, who lives there with them, the outside in contrast to the inside, the shape of the house or yard, the neighborhood, the general environment of Portland or geography of the Pacific Northwest, or even a reflection of somewhere they no longer inhabit but still consider home.
First using a camera to transform the interviews into visual information, I
painted corresponding mental maps for each impression gathered. While illuminating the complexity of the individual’s concept of home, I hoped to both absorb and actuate my own sense of home in my new surroundings.

 Portfolio News Contact Links CV (c) 2006-2015 Tia Factor Native, Warm, and Green: Laela Wilding 2010 Gouache + watercolor on paper 22.5

(c) 2006-2015 Tia Factor
Native, Warm, and Green: Laela Wilding
Gouache + watercolor on paper
22.5″ x 30″

Tia Factor (c) 2006-2015 Tia Factor Walking, Routines and Stuff: Sara Barner 2010 Gouache + airbrush on paper 22.5

Tia Factor
(c) 2006-2015 Tia Factor
Walking, Routines and Stuff: Sara Barner
Gouache + airbrush on paper
22.5″ x 30″
From her series “Places We Call Home”

See more of Tia’s work here